Faculty Research

Faculty Research

Carey’s teaching faculty seek to serve the church by serving the gospel. As international academics, they are engaged in theological reflection on topics like gospel women, disability, human flourishing, the church, public issues, virtue ethics, pastoral care, and social media. Their outputs find expression in international publications and local church ministry and life.

 Here are some current examples of their published work:

Andrew Picard has a forthcoming interview on “Beyond Ableism”, which examines theology, the church, and disability. Andrew argues that the church has been one of the major powers that has contributed to the oppression of people with disabilities, and the Church must learn to (un)theologize amidst the painful problems that theology helped cause. By paying attention to the voices of people with disabilities, parents of people with disabilities, and disability scholars Andrew’s work seeks to celebrate God’s gospel that makes a world of difference.

Sarah Harris is finishing off study notes on Philippians through to 3 John for a new Everyday Women’s Study Bible for Tyndale House publishers. This Study Bible aims to encourage everyday women by hearing the voice of women scholars who are bringing new knowledge about the lives of females and families across the ancient world to bear on biblical texts.

“I am delighted to join other scholars in bringing the Scriptures alive for a new generation of women and hopefully also bring new insight for an older generation who struggled with the “difficult passages.” This global project is gathering voices from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres; Asian, African, European, Slavic and Latin regions.”

Christa McKirland is feverishly working on her first book, title TBC on the human need to relate to God second-personally. In other words, humans are meant to relate to God in an intimate way and when we do so, this contributes to our flourishing.

John Tucker has spent his sabbatical researching the life and ministry of J K Archer, a prominent Baptist pastor, politician, and majyor of Christchurch. Archer’s life of witness in the church and society reminds us that pastoral theology is public theology in service of God’s big warm gospel.

Michael Rhodes is working on a book for IVP Academic that explores what Scripture says about how the people of God become just. Right now, that includes looking at how justice and wisdom work together in the book of Proverbs and how praying psalms that plead for God’s justice on behalf of the poor shape the people of God.

Faculty Publications (last two years)

Andrew Picard, “Beyond Ableism: A Politics of Belonging in Trinitarian Community. An Interview with Andrew Picard, PhD,” Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture June 2021.

Andrew Picard, “Towards a Sacrifice of Praise: A Critical Reading of Colin Gunton’s Trinitarian Theology of Culture.” PhD Dissertation, University of Otago, 2021.

Andrew Picard, Myk Habets and Murray Rae (eds.), T&T Clark Handbook of Colin Gunton. London: T&T Clark, 2021.

Andrew Picard, “Gunton on Culture.” Pages 187-204 in T&T Clark Handbook of Colin Gunton. Edited by Andrew Picard, Myk Habets and Murray Rae. London: T&T Clark, 2021.

Andrew Picard and Andrew Clark-Howard, “Dismantling Divinised Whiteness: A Repentant Examination of the Entanglements of Theology and Race in the Settler Imaginary and Its Legacy.” Paper presented at “Dismantling Whiteness” conference, University of Oxford, April 2021.

Andrew Picard and Jaimee van Gemerden, “A Theological Engagement with T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland in the Context of COVID-19,” Crucible Oct 2020: 32-40.

Christa L. McKirland, “Needing God and Christian Flourishing,” NZCIS-ISCAST Conversations in Science and Christian Faith Network (2021, April) 

Christa L. McKirland, The Absurdity of God’s Goodness” The New Zealand Baptist.

Christa McKirland John Templeton Foundation Proposal for $330,000 (submitted July 2020), “Theological Anthropology, Fundamental Need, and Human Flourishing”.

Christa McKirland, “Engaging with Christ the Key,” at Christology Among the Disciplines virtual conference, November 2020.

Christa McKirland, “Beautiful Lack: The Function of Creaturely Dependence in Kathryn Tanner’s Christ the Key,” at Systematic Theology Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, December 2020.

Christa McKirland, “Imago Dei, Divine Presence, and an Inclusive Priesthood,” Evangelical Theological Society, November 2020 virtual conference.

Christa McKirland “Did Jesus Need the Spirit?” in Perichoresis, forthcoming issue, 2020.

Christa McKirland “Imago Dei, Divine Presence, and an Inclusive Priesthood,” in Discovering Biblical Equality, Revised and Expanded Edition, eds. Ronald Pierce, Cynthia Westfall, and Christa L. McKirland, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. Forthcoming, 2021. \

Christa McKirland “Analytic Theology,” T&T Clark Handbook to Modern Theology. Forthcoming, 2022.

George Wieland, “Re-Ordering the Household: Misalignment and Realignment to God’s oikonomia in 1   Timothy.” Pages 147-60 in John Goodrich and Nijay Gupta, eds. Sin and Its Remedy in Paul. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.

George Wieland, “Cultivating Attentiveness: Formation for Ministry Through the Practice of Intercultural Bible reading,” Colloquium 52.2 (forthcoming – delayed from 2020)

George Wieland, “Discerning the Missio Dei in a Local Church’s Engagement with Its Community,” Mission Studies 37.1 (2020): 101-18.

George Wieland, ARPA (2020) Gold Award for best theological article, “Host and Guest in the Mission of God,” published in the NZ Baptist Magazine.

John Tucker, “An Enemy to be Fought or a Tool to be Used? Baptists and Sport in New Zealand, 1882-2011,” in Sports and Play in Christian Theology, eds. Philip Halstead and John Tucker. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.

John Tucker “Baptist Mission among Māori in New Zealand, 1840-1990,” in Baptists Engaging Culture, ed. Bill Pitts. Macon: Mercer University Press, forthcoming.

Michael Rhodes, Formative Feasting: Practices and Virtue Ethics in the Deuteronomic Tithe Meal and the Corinthian Lord’s Supper. Studies in Biblical Literature. Peter Lang. Under contract.

Michael Rhodes, “Into Egypt: The Joseph Option and Contemporary Evangelical Politics.” Paper presented by invitation to the postgraduate seminar at Trinity College Bristol

Michael Rhodes, “Moses’ Guide to Post-Pandemic Parties,” Christianity Today (May 2021).

Michael Rhodes, “Paul’s Letter to a Prejudiced Church,” Christianity Today, March 2021, print edition

Michael Rhodes, “Into Egypt: The Joseph Option and Contemporary Evangelical Politics.” Paper presented by invitation to the postgraduate seminar at Trinity College Bristol

Michael Rhodes, “Moses’ Guide to Post-Pandemic Parties,” Christianity Today (May 2021).

Michael Rhodes, “Paul’s Letter to a Prejudiced Church,” Christianity Today, March 2021, print edition.

Michael Rhodes “Becoming Militants of Reconciling Love: 1 John 3:1-3 and the Task of Ethical Formation” Journal of Theological Interpretation (Forthcoming 2021)

Michael Rhodes “(Becoming) Lovers in a Dangerous Time: Discipleship as Gift and Task in 1 John (working title; Word & World, 2021) Under contract.

Michael Rhodes Justice Unto Victory: Exegetical Explorations in Ethics as Formation (working title; IVP Academic, 2022). Under contract

Michael Rhodes, “On the Road to Perfection: Divine Action, Human Agency, and Moral Transformation in the Epistle to the Hebrews,” at SBL/IBR Presentation, Theological Interpretation Group, 2020.

Michael Rhodes, “The (Jubilee) Case for Reparations: Interpreting Scripture’s Jubilary Theology in the Aftermath of the Black Manifesto,” at SBL Presentation to a Joint Session of the Bible and Ethics and Missional Hermeneutics groups, 2020.

Philip Halstead and John Tucker (eds.), Sports and Play in Christian Theology. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.

Philip Halstead, “Helping Churchgoers to Develop a Healthy Relationship with Sport: Pastoral Stories from the Hospital Wards, the Slow Lane, and the Mountain Tops,” in Sports and Play in Christian Theology, eds. Philip Halstead and John Tucker. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.

Sam Kilpatrick, “Social Media, Civic Involvement, Young People, and the Church.” Paper to be presented to International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry (Australasia), August 2021.

Sarah Harris “Child’s Play in the First Century,” in Sports and Play in Christian Theology, eds. Philip Halstead and John Tucker. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2020.

Sarah Harris “The Bleeding Woman: A Journey from the Fringes,” Feminist Theology, forthcoming January 2021.

Sarah Harris “Gospel Women Remembered,” in Who Created Christianity? Fresh Approaches to the Relationship Between Paul and Jesus. Eds. Craig A. Evans and Aaron W. White. Peabody: Hendrickson Academic, forthcoming September 2020.

Sarah Harris “Ontology and the Suffering of Jesus in the New Testament,” in T&T Clark Companion to Christology. London: T & T Clark, forthcoming 2021.

Sarah Harris, Zondervan Critical Introduction to the New Testament: Gospel of Luke (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, forthcoming).


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