Why Carey?

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Why study at Carey? 

At Carey we serve the church by training leaders for effective ministry, and equipping disciples for faithful witness. 

You’ll experience training that is deeply formational 

Our training is distinctive in the extent to which it emphasises personal formation. We believe that fruitful ministry and faithful discipleship requires more than intellectual knowledge. It requires knowledge, skill, emotional health, and spiritual depth. Alongside our academic programmes, therefore, we provide a range of specialised formation tracks. These combine intensive personal mentoring with supervised ministry experiences to form you for effective leadership and faithful discipleship. Train at Carey and you will be transformed. You will be equipped to live and lead with integrity.
Deeply Formational
Profoundly Integrated

You’ll encounter theology that is profoundly integrated

Carey has a radically integrative approach to theological research and training. As New Zealand’s top-ranked research institution outside the university sector, we believe in rigorous academic enquiry that is connected with church and society. Journey with Carey and you’ll learn to integrate God’s word, God’s world, and God’s work. You’ll bring together the resources of the Christian faith, the realities of your particular context, and the rhythms of Christian discipleship and leadership today. This integrative learning will equip you to be responsive to the contemporary needs and questions of our church and society.

You’ll be enveloped in a community that is dynamic and supportive

We’re deeply convinced that the best learning happens in the context of relationship. Whakawhanaungatanga – connecting with one another – is very important to us. So, we work very hard at building strong relationships among staff and students. Journey at Carey you will be surrounded by a supportive and diverse learning community. While Carey belongs to the Baptist churches of New Zealand, it serves all the churches of Aotearoa. Our students come from a wide range of church traditions and a wide range of cultural backgrounds. At Carey, we celebrate the bicultural heritage and the multicultural reality of Aotearoa. We aspire to be a learning community that embodies the vision of te Tiriti o Waitangi – a community where all peoples and cultures can flourish, including yours.
Community Life at Carey

At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.