Carey Photos

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Graduation 2024

Graduation 2024

What a special time we had honouring the graduating class of 2023 on 18 June 2024. Take a look at the photos from this wonderful day.
1970s Reunion

1970s Reunion

On 4-5 May 2024, students who studied at Carey during the 1970s (then known as The Baptist College of New Zealand) gathered for a very special reunion.
Graduation 2023

Graduation 2023

We had so much fun celebrating the Graduation of students on 20 May 2023. Take a look at the photos from this special day.
Semester One Orientation 2023

Semester One Orientation 2023

It was such a privilege to welcome new and returning students at our 2023 Orientation on 21 February. Check out the photos of this special day.
SENDing 2022

SENDing 2022

SENDing 2022 was a special occasion as we celebrated not just the 2022 graduating students but those from 2021 as well. Check out some of the photos from this special night here.
Carey Open Day October 2022

Carey Open Day October 2022

Another fun and informative Open Day was held on 4 October 2022 with Staff, Students and Visitors spending time together and sharing what studying at Carey is all about.
Celebration of Scholarship 2022

Celebration of Scholarship 2022

Photo's from the Celebration of Scholarship 2022 where we acknowledged both staff book publications and completed Masters Thesis'.
Flourish Conference 2022

Flourish Conference 2022

Photo's from the Flourish Conference 2022 where we explored how science-engaged theology contributes to greater human flourishing.
Unveiling of New Carvings 2022

Unveiling of New Carvings 2022

In July 2022, Carey had the honour and privilege of unveiling our newly installed whakairo carvings in Te Whare Oranga at a dawn service. These photos capture this special event.
Carey Open Day May 2022

Carey Open Day May 2022

Carey's Open Day on 24 May 2022 was enjoyed immensely by all visitors, students and staff.
Open Day February 2022

Open Day February 2022

Carey's Open Day this February was a little different than usual but was still a great time for all visitors, students and staff.

“At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.”

– John Tucker, Principal