Student Support and Wellbeing

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Student Wellbeing

Carey is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment for all students and staff. We all have a responsibility to help ensure that the community at Carey is a safe learning environment. If you have any concerns for your health and safety, or the health and safety of others, please do not hesitate to talk with us.

Student Support and Wellbeing

Student Support Team

We care deeply about your well-being and our Student Support Team are dedicated to helping you flourish during your time at Carey.

Denise Tims has a special focus on supporting Māori learners, while Jarrahmal Tanielu has the primary responsibility for supporting our Pasifika students. Both Denise and Jarrahmal also provide wider support for all our Carey students in partnership with our library support team. You can find our support staff in the library, but they are also available to connect online.

Our Library team, Siong Ng, Mei Ling Lee, and Anna Tovey, is based in the Ayson-Clifford Library, and can assist you with library resources, referencing for assessments and general assessment skills.

There are a variety of avenues you can pursue for careers advice, and our team are happy to help you navigate them. Our Academic Registrar, Neroli Hollis, is your first port of call. Neroli handles administrative enquiries, including CareyOnline, enrolment, and course planning. She also supports international students and students with disabilities.

Also, Carey also has a team of student peer writing assistants (PWAs) who are available to provide help with writing assignments. They won’t tell you what to write, but will be able to discuss your assessment structure and academic writing considerations. To book a session with the PWA team, talk to one of the library staff.

Our Student Association (SASS) organises activities and events to build community both on and off the campus.

Staff Thumbnail - Neroli Hollis

Neroli Hollis
Academic Registrar

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Denise Tims
Student Learning Adviser (Māori)

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Jarrahmal Tanielu
Student Learning Adviser

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Siong Ng
Library Manager

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Mei Ling Lee
Library Assistant

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Anna Tovey
Library Assistant

Health Support Services

Carey has a well-equipped first aid facility, as well as a sick bay and showers on-site. A 24-hour, urgent medical centre is located close by at:

Ground Floor, Ascot Hospital
90 Greenlane Road East, Greenlane
Phone: 09 520 9555

There are a variety of resources and support agencies available to the Carey community, including mental health agencies, community and public services, and more. You may qualify for a Community Services Card that can help offset the cost of healthcare, prescriptions, and more.

Below are some services we recommend.


Healthpoint offers up-to-date information about healthcare providers, treatments for common issues, referral procedures, and more. Learn more about their kaupapa Māori.

Local Doctors
Local Doctors provides information about access to local health clinics throughout Auckland.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand “works towards creating a society free from discrimination, where all people enjoy positive mental health and wellbeing.”

For half a century, Youthline has been supporting New Zealanders between the ages of 12-24. They provide text, phone, web chat, and email services.

A leading metal health organisation and extension of Windsor Park Baptist Church, Equip provides “an innovative model of care, effective support and education in the greater Auckland region.”
Le Va

Supporting Pasifika families and communities, Le Va uses “evidence-based resources, tools, information, knowledge and support services for the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes.”

Village Collective

Village Collective supports Pasifika youth wellbeing and sexual health decisions.


Visionwest works to create “pathways for vulnerable whānau to rise out of poverty, isolation, homelessness, and joblessness by providing comprehensive wraparound services.” A faith-led organisation, Visionwest was founded by the Glen Eden Baptist Church and remains committed to showing compassion to those in need.

Chaplaincy and Counselling

If you would like the assistance of a chaplain or counsellor, then please contact Neroli Hollis (Academic Registrar). You may wish to get advice or support as soon as possible as it may affect your studiesAll enquiries will be handled confidentially.

Financial Support

StudyLink can provide you more details on income as you prepare to study, during, and after your studies. You may also want to look at some of the many scholarships we offer at Carey. Work and Income provides support if you have a low income or are not working, along with housing assistance.

During your time at Carey, you may encounter financial hardship for one reason or another. Whatever the reason, we are here to help, and our staff are available to chat through the options available to you. If you have a specific financial need, Carey has a small hardship fund for which you may be eligible. In the first instance, contact your programme leader or Rob Ayres, Academic Director, for a confidential discussion.

NZQA Catergory One_2024

The Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice

The Code supports the wellbeing and safety of learners in Aotearoa.

NZQA Code of Practice

External Evaluation Review (EER)

After completing it’s External Evaluation Review in 2024, NZQA awarded Carey a Catergory 1 Education Provider status.

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Grievances and Complaints

Carey has systems and processes in place for addressing any concerns or complaints.

At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.