Kia ora
Nau mai, haere mai!
Thanks for choosing to study at Carey Baptist College, and for joining the Carey whānau! We are committed to helping ensure that you get the best out of your time with us, whether you are studying full‑time, part‑time, on campus, or from a distance.
This page aims to provide you with some helpful information on how things work around Carey, and how to be successful as a student. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the information provided—and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any other questions or can’t find an answer to your questions.
Getting Started
Orientation is held at the start of each semester for all new students. We offer both on-site and online orientations to give all our students a chance to meeat the team at Carey and ask any questions before you begin classes.
Ayson Cliford Library
Useful Resources
The full annual timetable can be found on our website and includes all courses for both semesters, including full-year courses and block courses.
Make sure you familiarise yourself with all the important dates for the academic year.
The Academic Regulations and Calendar details Carey’s academic regulations, policies and other important study related information.
How do I get access to CareyOnline?
Your login details will be emailed to you one week prior to semester starting. If you have any questions about access, please contact us on 0800 773 776 or email [email protected].
How do I get a student access card?
When and where do I get my textbooks?
How do I make changes to my enrolment or withdraw from a course?
If you need to re-enrol or change courses you can find the forms on CareyOnline.
If you are unable to continue with your studies, you can withdraw from the courses within the first four weeks of the course. If you withdraw within the first two weeks of semester, you can receive a refund (minus an administration fee) of your course fees. This course will then not appear on your academic record. After the second teaching week, you may still withdraw from the course, however you will not be eligible for any refund, and the course will show as Withdrawn (WDN) on your academic record. After the fourth teaching week, you are not able to withdraw, and the course will show with the result Did Not Complete (DNC).
For more information, please refer to the ‘Enrolment and Programme Regulations’ section within the Academic Regulations on CareyOnline.
What are the attendance requirements for courses?
Attendance requirements vary depending on which study mode has been chosen for that course.
On-site and Zoom (in-class): Students are expected to attend all lectures and classes that are scheduled in the published timetable for that course. This includes all lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, or field trips that may be designated. Students are expected to notify the teaching team if they are unable to attend a class. Course teachers will take an attendance record, and students are expected to attend at least 80% of classes. Unsatisfactory attendance without prior agreement and notification may result in disciplinary measures, and in extreme cases may result in failure of the course.
Online (distance/regional): Students access class recordings and are not required to attend classes live. However, they are required to interact and engage with the class via CareyOnline. Other online activities are outlined in the course outline. Online access logs will be monitored for ongoing engagement with the course materials and resources, where appropriate.
Block courses: On-site attendance at block courses is expected for all modes of study. If a student is unable to attend in person, it may be possible to allow the student to join live via Zoom with prior agreement with the
teacher and Academic Registrar. Failure to attend a block course without prior agreement and notification may result in disciplinary measures, and in extreme cases may result in failure of the course.
For more information, check out the Academic Regulations.
What are the assessment requirements?
If you are having difficulty with your assessments, please talk to your teacher. If you are unable to submit an assessment by the due date (for example, because of sickness or family bereavement) you can apply for an extension. The Application for Extension form can be found on CareyOnline under ‘Forms for Students’ and should be emailed to the Academic Registrar. An academic penalty will apply for any assessment submitted late without a prior-approved extension. For further information, please refer to the Academic Regulations.
First Steps
We’ve created a brief course for all new students called First Steps. Each lesson is set up to introduce and guide you through basic academic literacy and academic integrity. Covering searching the library, referencing, the Code of Practice, and more, First Steps is an essential learning tool for you.
As a new student, you will automatically be enrolled in First Steps. You will find it under My Courses on CareyOnline.

Student Support Team
We care deeply about your well-being and our Student Support Team are dedicated to helping you flourish during your time at Carey. Contact any one of them and they can advise and direct you to key staff based on your specific support needs.
Community Life
We also have a number of publications available to keep you in the know with what’s happening on campus!

Student Association
The Carey Student Association (SASS) is a voluntary organisation for students, run by students. SASS prioritises building relationships and supporting students through events, activities and peer support.
SASS hosts its own Facebook group, which we encourage you to join.