Psalms Conference

17-19 July 2024

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Tuning Our Hearts to the Psalms

How the Bible’s Songbook Can Shape Worship and Witness in Aotearoa

In July 2024, Carey Baptist College will hosted a three-day conference exploring how the Psalms can inspire Christian worship and shape God’s people here in Aotearoa. The conference gathered a range of Christian leaders including students, pastors, worship leaders, scholars and creatives to explore the Bible’s songbook and prayerbook.

Through academic lectures, communal worship, and workshops for songwriters, pastors, and Christian leaders, we imagined how the Psalms might catalyse new worship expressions sung and prayed in the mother tongues and heart expressions of the people of Aotearoa. Participants worshiped together, wrote new Psalm-inspired songs together, and learnt together how the Psalms might transform the church’s preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and discipleship.

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Key Note Speakers


Psalm-inspired songs, prayers, art, poetry, sermon series, and more created for and in response to the Psalms conference.

Dr Ellen Davis
Nothing to Invent, Everything to Get Right: On the Slow Arts of Translation, Preaching, and Collaborative Thinking
Based on Psalm 77
He Hīmene nā Ahapa mai i te Hīkoi
Carey Team
Based on Psalm 130
Wait upon the Lord
Faye Villanueva
Based on Psalms 123 & 13
How Long
Faye Villanueva
Based on Psalms 22 & 42
Why Have You Forsaken Me
Faye Villanueva
Based on Psalms 46 & 88
A Might Fortress (Lift Your Cries Up)
William Chong and Co.
Based on Psalm 22
God, my God
Diane McClymont
Based on Psalm 25
I Will Choose to Trust You
Diane McClymont
Based on Psalms 73 and Psalm 13
I Hope & Side B
Andrew Shudall
Based on Psalms 120-134
Psalms of Ascent as a Preaching Resource
Ken Keyte

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“At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.”

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