We all know that if churches are to thrive and bring gospel renewal to people and places, they need pastors, ministers, and leaders who are robust. But what does robust gospel leadership require?
At Carey, we believe it requires three things. Robust gospel leadership requires robust biblical and theological knowledge, robust ministry and leadership skills, and robust Christian character and spirituality. This kind of leadership doesn’t just happen. It needs to be formed. That’s why, 95 years ago, our family of churches established its own theological college — Carey — to train these kinds of leaders for ministry and mission.
Congratulations to these students who have been commended this year and are graduating from Carey’s ministry training pathways. A special congratulations to the first graduates of Ngā Pou Amorangi, Carey’s Māori leadership programme. Carey’s ministry training programmes are rigorous. For three years or more, these students have given themselves to sustained biblical and theological study, they’ve served in several specially chosen ministry settings, they’ve participated in a rigorous programme of leadership training and skill development, and they’ve been formed through a process of intense personal mentoring.
These graduates have worked hard. They — with their families — have sacrificed a great deal. And they’ve grown considerably. Thank you for taking up your cross, denying yourselves, and following Jesus. Thank you for preparing so thoroughly for the work to which he has called you. We thank our God for you and pray that he would richly bless you as you participate by his Spirit in his ministry amount our churches and faith communities.
— John Tucker, Principal

Emily Brown
Youth Pastoral Leadership

Sarah Buckwell
Youth Pastoral Leadership

Jacqui Caetano
Pastoral Leadership

Luke Deans
Youth Pastoral Leadership

Jonathan Edmeades
Pastoral Leadership

Joshua Irving
Pastoral Leadership

Sophia Knobbs
Youth Pastoral Leadership

Damein Limmer
Youth Pastoral Leadership

Margaret Loh
Pastoral Leadership

Nicola Mountfort
Pastoral Leadership

Kiwi Taranaki
Ngā Pou Amorangi

Caleb Te Kahu
Ngā Pou Amorangi

Manaakinui Te Kahu
Ngā Pou Amorangi

Jeremy Watson
Youth Pastoral Leadership