Carey Welcomes Luke Kaa-Morgan

Carey Welcomes Luke Kaa-Morgan

We are delighted to announce that Luke Kaa-Morgan is joining the Carey community.

Luke (Tainui Āwhiro, Ngāti Tahinga, Pākehā) has spent 20 years in pastoral ministry within local Baptist Churches. For over thirty years he has been an active contributor to the Baptist Union’s Tiriti hikoi and a full participant in the national work of Baptist Māori Ministries, Manatū Iriiri Māori.

Luke will guide Carey’s Ministry Training team as it seeks to develop practices of leadership formation that embody the vision of te Tiriti o Waitangi. He will nurture Carey’s community life, foster emerging Maori leaders, and will provide leadership for the College and its Tiriti hikoi as a member of Carey’s Management Team.

Luke is married to Marieta (Samoa). They have three adult children and three mokopuna.  Luke will be joining Caleb Haurua, Jordyn Rapana, Manakinui Te Kahu, Denise Tims and Rewai Te Kahu to form a strong cohort of Māori staff at Carey training leaders and resourcing churches to bring gospel renewal throughout Aotearoa.

Luke Kaa-Morgan



  1. Vicki Parker

    Wondered where you’d all got to😀 delighted to read of your new appointment…valuable work😀👌

  2. Valerie Etheridge nee Izod

    Hi Luke! Congratulations on your appointment to Carey Bible College! I’m not sure if you remember me? I used to board with Colleen and Phill Austin in Rotorua? I am now married and living in Auckland on the North Shore with my husband John and our 22 year-old daughter Alex and we are attending Kingdom City Auckland church which used to be Harbourside church and Alex is very involved with the church and is part of the worship team and a Youth leader in 2014 after my mother passed away we went to the Gold Coast where I had an aneurysm and after life saving surgery was in an induced coma for several weeks and if it hadn’t been for the prayers of friends and family and the church,I came through the coma and was airlifted back to Auckland and then to Rehabilitation Centres for several months and finally returned back home to be with my family! PTL! 🙏👍You must know John Tucker? We used to go to Milford Baptist church under his leadership 👍☺️I would love to hear from you! Take care, blessings, Valerie xx


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