1 Peter 3:15 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” We all have questions, both non-believers and believers. Doubt and questions are part of honestly seeking truth for non-believers and a faith seeking understanding. In contemporary New Zealand society, Christianity is now often seen by many as weird, incomprehensible and stupid, but is that true? This course helps equip you with the essentials of a holistic contemporary apologetic, which shows why Christians have good reasons to believe what we say we believe. This is holistic because those reasons are of the head and the heart, embracing the human condition, human experience, and basic intuitions as well as history, science and logic, which all point to the truth of essential Christian beliefs. You will be equipped to confidently (but not arrogantly!), listen better, ask better questions, share better answers and have better conversations, all with gentleness and respect. This course will provide an overview of all the key areas in contemporary apologetics, while giving the opportunity to look at an area of personal interest in more depth. It will also look at how apologetics is relevant in the current post Christian cultural context.