Adjunct Lecturer
Dip.Ed. BAppTheol, GradCertSprvsn
Heather has worked as an adjunct lecturer at Carey since 2014. She co-lectures with Sam Kilpatrick to deliver the course, Foundations in Youth Ministry, working to give students a theological and skills-based approach to youth ministry.
Heather has over 40 years in youth ministry from serving a volunteer, a youth worker in YFC and then as a Youth Pastor. Her focus has changed from walking alongside youth to training and supporting those who are at the coal face with our rangitahi. Heather continues to research and present current social changes that effect youth and the way that they interact with the gospel.
“My biggest questions have been, “Why” and “How”. Why is this happening with our young people and how can we point them towards hope and Jesus in this moment? The joy is to present this to students and wrestle with the ideas together so that there is action for change.”