Pō Whakanuia, Pō Fiafia 2022

by | 16 Dec, 2022 | Māori, Students | 0 comments

Pō Whakanuia, Pō Fiafia 2022

Māori and Pasifika Celebration Dinner

Whaowhia te kete mātairanga
Fill the basket of knowledge

Celebration, thanksgiving, honour, and feasting was a wonderful way to complete the year. Our Pō Whakanuia, Po Fiafia, Māori and Pasifika Achievement dinner, was a special event to acknowledge the success and achievement of our Māori and Pasifika students. We are so proud of Denise Tims who was celebrated for completing her post graduate diploma (2021), and who, along with Matt and Rachel Renata, completed the 3 year Ngā Pou Amorangi Māori Leadership programme. This is particularly notable due to the complex circumstances of these past few years. We are proud of each of you. Tēnā koutou ngā ika ā whiro.

Hosanna Lighthouse Church added to the festivity with the most graceful siva Samoa, the unique humour, the expression of their value of tautua (service) and a delicious and plentiful buffet of appetising food. It was a real treat. Alongside this the expertise of Eugene Fuimaono’s musicianship further enhanced the quality of a wonderful evening.

We value the opportunity for celebration and to acknowledge achievement and success. We also value our place at Carey as a diverse community that continues to aspire to embody Te Tiriti Hikoi. We participate in this together and our evening was also a celebration of this journey.

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōnā te ao.

The bird who feasts on the miro berry, theirs is the forest. The bird who feasts on knowledge, theirs is the world.



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