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Carey Baptist College, “Carey”, offers students the opportunity to be granted credit for both formal and nonformal learning undertaken by the student prior to the commencement of their study at Carey.
Formal learning is prior study that was undertaken at another tertiary institution for which they received credits within an academic programme.
Non-formal learning involves previously acquired skills and knowledge arising from work, ministry experience, or general life experiences.
Students of Carey may apply for credit recognition either prior to or following their application. However, please note that credit will not be granted until enrolment is complete.
Cross credits are granted for prior formal learning and may be specified of unspecified.
Specified credits are granted when there is a direct equivalence in terms of content, level, and learning outcomes between a previously studied course and a course provided at Carey.
Unspecified credits are granted when a previously studied course is deemed to be relevant to, and at an equivalent level to, a course provided at Carey. Please note that no more than one-sixth of a programme provided at Carey may comprise of unspecified credit and that in normal circumstances unspecified credits will only be considered at Level 5.
- A record of substantial and sustained quantity of ministry.
- The degree of supervision and/or training that accompanied that ministry.
- The extent of guided and/or self-reflection that occurred in relation to that ministry.
- RPL will normally only be granted for core courses within a programme of study and that no more than one-sixth of a programme provided at Carey may comprise of RPL credits and that in normal circumstances RPL credits will not be considered at Postgraduate level (except where advanced standing entry is deemed appropriate for entry into the Master of Applied Theology – see Masters programme regulations for more information).
There is a limit on the total number of credits which can be granted towards a programme provided at Carey.
The maximum number of credits granted, through Cross Credits and RPL combined will not exceed one-half of the qualification for which you are enrolled.
The maximum number of credits granted, through Cross Credits, will normally be the equivalent of one course. However, when a student transfers their candidature to the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology from the (former) Laidlaw-Carey School then a maximum of two courses may be cross credited.
Application forms are available from the Carey Baptist website, all applications should be made to the Academic Registrar.