Youth Ministry

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About Youth Ministry

Are you deeply passionate about the potential of influencing youth to be lifelong followers of Jesus? We offer specific programmes to produce youth leaders who are theologically and biblically trained, and able to effectively engage with their context.

Our New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies allows you to study part-time alongside ministry, gaining valuable experience, while reflecting on ‘real’ situations and applying important learning. You can study from wherever you are based, receive structured mentoring/coaching through a ministry supervisor and Carey tutor, and receive credits towards your qualification for your ministry experience.

Our Youth Pastoral Leadership Training is a three-year leadership formation track for those serious about youth pastoral leadership and is completed alongside an NZQA diploma or degree.

We also offer specialist youth courses which can be completed within our undergraduate qualifications.

“I’m really passionate about local church. Carey has always been a place that seeks to serve, equip and to challenge local churches to minister well to youth in their communities.”

Sam Kilpatrick, Programme Leader (Youth)


Photo of Andrew Beales-White for quote

“Carey offers an incredible opportunity for discernment, growth and empowerment, and I highly recommend that if you have even the smallest inkling that youth ministry is for you, explore Carey’s training options!”

– Andrew Beales-White, Graduate, Diploma of Youth Pastoral Leadership                                             


Related Programmes

Carey students in class

NZ Certificate in Christian Studies (Discovery Internship)

Gain an initial theological qualification while remaining in your youth ministry context as an intern in this one year part-time internship programme.

Chris Clark and Susanna Denby used to promote Diploma in Pastoral Leadersip Youth

Diploma in Pastoral Leadership (Youth)

Be transformed to serve thriving faith communities in Aotearoa on this three-year journey of preparation for youth pastoral leadership.

Neven Dzaferic and Blake Pulman used to promote Specialist Courses

Specialist Youth Courses

Specialist youth courses include:

  • Foundations of Youth Ministry (L5)
  • Adolescent Development & Spirituality (L6, L7)
  • Gospel & Youth (L6, L7)
  • Families and Ministry in Aotearoa (L6, L7)

At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.