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Kia ora and welcome to CareyOPEN, a podcast where we open up a window into the Carey world!
Each week as a college, we gather in our chapel to hear some great biblical preaching from our faculty and various guests. In 2024 our preaching theme is Mentored for Ministry. We’re working our way through the pastoral letters of Timothy and Titus, exploring how an experienced leader affirms, guides and challenges younger colleagues into faithfulness and effectiveness in their ministry contexts. We hope you find this as stimulating as our students do!
Word, World, Work
Following Jesus is a dynamic journey of faithful obedience in continually changing contexts. What do we need to know about the Word that shapes us, the World in which our faith is to be lived out, and the Work that we are called to do? The Word, World and Work podcast highlights research from Carey Baptist College that weaves together God’s Word, the World we live in, and the Work we are called to do. We invite you to join us as we explore ways in which we can live, serve, and witness with Jesus in our constantly changing world.